Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter In A Small Town In Eastern Massachusetts

UD and I were supposed to travel together this past weekend to Eastern MA for Easter festivities at Sister E's.  Oh so many Es.  Our plan was to take Frankie and Stella with us.  We were staying at Sister N's and she had graciously invited the pups along.  And Sister E had also graciously invited them to join us at our Easter festivities.  But unfortunately it wasn't to be.  Due to extenuating circumstances with the dogs (they are fine) we decided UD would stay home with them, and I would travel solo.

My first stop was Capellini's Restaurant.  One of our favorite Italian restaurants and a frequent lunch spot for Darling and me.  I met Darling and Darling's children, M, W and J.  It was so much fun.  M and W were as gracious and beautiful as always, and full of fun updates.  J has a membership to a country club and is playing golf already.  He had a picture to show me of an almost hole-in-one.  He was sooooooo close.  When I showed UD the picture, he was amazed at how close he got.  And Darling, well what can you say about Darling?  Any who, great lunch and great fun.

On to Sister N's house.  When I got there, the kids were not yet home.  Sister N and I had  a chance to chat and catch up.  Then the kids came home and the fun began.  LD is getting so grown up, it makes me feel older and older.  But she is beautiful and so very sweet.  Little G was so excited to give me an Easter gift she had for me.  Alas, Mom had thrown it out accidentally.  There was head hanging and apologies, but it was retrieved from the trash and looked absolutely beautiful to me.  It is hanging in the living room right now.  We had a fun night and were ready for Easter the following day.

Our mother was sick, so she was forced to stay home and rest.   I stopped by to pick up some things she had for Easter and brought them with me.  And Sister A is a nurse and works the weekend shift.  She only gets a couple of holidays a year, so unfortunately she wasn't able to be there either.  Happy Easter M and Sister A.  LYMI.  

I got to Sister E's and Sister N and family were already there.  I was greeted by J who came out to help me with all the packages I needed to bring into the house.  Boy is he helpful.  Thanks J! 

Next I saw T, who is the best hugger I have ever known.  When he hugs me, I feel like I don't have a worry in the world.  Thanks T!  (His cousin G is a very close second.  LYMI G).  (W, you know how I feel about your hugs too! :))

Our brunch was a variety of dishes that everyone contributed to.  The first is appetizers.  T and J's dad makes the best stuffed eggs.  My favorite is the basil flavored ones.  I was even able to bring some home with me to share with UD (and thirds for me).

Thanks EK

Next was Blueberry Buckle.  T and J's mother made this.  It was so delicious.  I love blueberries and this was a wonderful format for them.  Yum!

Loving me the beautiful ceramic baking dish Sister E!

Next is the broccoli frittata.  It is a new addition to brunch.  Previously we have had quiche, but I asked the crowd if we could go frittata this year, and I got the AOK.

It was a fine substitute for the quiche I believe.  We didn't have any parsley to sprinkle atop, so EK found spinach in the fridge.  Maybe next year I will do a spinach one and we will adorn with broccoli, nes cafe?

And then came dessert.  The Bunny cake.  Every year Sister N and her girls make a bunny cake.  It is always delicious, and each year it gets decorated just a little bit differently.  It is sooooooo cute.  I will look forward to posting it each year, and sharing with you the different bunnies we have at our Easter brunch.

Thanks Sister N and girls!

A wonderful time was had by all.

A bientot.   See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. You are like a fancy food writer, saying the buckle was a wonderful format for the blueberries! That frittata was a welcome introduction to this new-to-me egg dish! Thanks for raising the Easter bar, NSHHTU!
