Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Proclamation

This month I declared to UD and whoever else was listening (which nobody was), that we were going use all the meats we have in the freezer downstairs.  We have Nellie's old refrigerator downstairs, which is great for drinks and overspill from the upstairs fridge.  It is also nice to have an extra freezer.  We went to Sam's Club the other day, and I bought a huge package of chicken tenders.  They are perfect for stir-fry and we love them.  They were $2.19 lb!  I know!  Can you believe it?  I get them on sale at Hannafords for $3.29 lb, if I am lucky.  But I digress.  So home came just about 6 lbs of chicken tenders.  I packaged them all up with my food saver vacuum sealer and brought them downstairs to the freezer.  Much to my dismay, I almost couldn't fit them in.  Hence the proclamation.  No more buying meat until we use everything we already have.  That's it.  I mean business.

That is where this ham comes in.  I know it is July, but I decided I needed to cook the ham.  It was taking up a lot of space, and I figured if I cooked it, we could get several meals from it.

The first meal is ham with sweet brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes.  I am going to use the rest of the compound herb butter, with the mashed potatoes.

See the ham bone in the background?  I am going to make UD some pea soup with that.  I have never done it, and I don't think I like it, but for UD, I will do it!  After all, "There is no remedy for love but to love more." -Thoreau.   Way to go Thoreau!

I am sad to see the last of the herb butter go, but it is for a greater good.

Delicious and rather decadent!

I know you have seen me make these brussel sprouts a thousand time.  Sorry.  As my father always said, "Marth, if I told you a once, I told you a million times.  Don't exaggerate."  He had a million of them.  I miss him.

Seriously, the chicken broth and the touch of sugar do so much for these little green lovelies.

Dinner is served.

Again, I know it is July, not February, but don't we deserve a little comfort food even in the summer?

I must interject a special shout out.  Happy Birthday Sister E!

A bientot!  See you soon.


  1. Wow, thanks for the shout out! That thing that Dad said is funny!

  2. Also, good for you for the freezer declutter!
