Friday, July 22, 2011

Liquid Sunshine

Today we had broccoli with breakfast.  This is meal two from the ham that I cooked in order to help make room in Nellie's old freezer. 

I got this broccoli at my favorite and local farm stand, Browns.

I cut it into fairly small pieces, and coated it with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and salt and pepper.

This is the leftover Herb roasted red potatoes and the ham.

Cut the ham into bite size pieces and put that and the potatoes in a pan that was heated up over a medium high heat.

Crack as many eggs as you want into a bowl and mix them up.  Do you remember the show "Golden Girls"?  This picture reminded me of one of the episodes.  Blanche decided to become a writer, and had writers block.  She was up all night and rather dillusional the next day.  Sophia had a bowl of eggs ready for breakfast, and when Blanche looked in the bowl, she exclaimed "My goodness!  I have a writers soul.  When I look in this bowl, I see liquid sunshine looking back at me."  Well, you had to be there.  But it was actually quite funny!

Side note:  I recently learned that shell attracts shell.  So when you crack your eggs in a bowl, and you leave behind a speck of shell, just take the large shell and put it near the speck.  It is like a magnet, and draws the little speck into the large shell.  Like magic.

Heat up the potato and ham really well.  They both taste even better when they become a little carmelized with color.

When you have cooked the broccoli in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes, pull it out and add it to the pan.

Add salt and pepper to the liquid sunshine, and mix well.

Add the egg mixture to the ham, potato and broccoli.

Voila!  Not really that visually appealing, but it is tasty to the tongue.

A bientot!  See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness Sister, you are making lemons from lemonade up there on the Maine coast! I am amazed by the way you combine various things and end up with something delicious! I like the story from the Golden Girls -- they were a funny group of ladies. Also, I love the eggshell tip and I will be sure to use it, because I am often vexed by little bits of shell that are hard to fish out. Thanks for a post with a little of everything!
