I Love My Label Maker
I truly believe we all have an inner nerd in us. I certainly do. I know I look suave and sophisticated on the outside (just joshing), but on the inside is a woman who lives by the words "There is a place for everything and everything in its place". And I feel it should be in its place with a label on it. While I was working, our group had a label maker to use on various projects. Most of my fellow employees stuck with a permanent marker and hand labeling. Not me my friend. Oh no. I took that label maker very seriously. I would take our CDs and carefully follow the labeling etiquette and then place them in the proper folder and file. It was wonderful. And my friend P was often found sharing in the wealth of the label maker. She would bring it to her area for a few days and come back feeling more organized and refreshed. However, no one else in my group felt the draw of the label maker. So it found a permanent home in the bottom right drawer of my desk. Since I left work I sorely missed the label maker. So one day UD and I were at Staples and I said "How about we get a label maker UD?" He said "Sure, what for"? So I went on to say that I thought it would be helpful around the house in general, but mostly for ingredients that I remove from their original boxes and put into containers that will keep them fresher longer. Here are some examples.

Here are a few things I have labeled. The sugars were very helpful to D and R when they were making Oatmeal Raisin cookies. No need to open them to see which is granulated and which is confectioners. Just read your label!
This is my LB out of it's protective Ziploc casing.
The Panko Breadcrumbs were the very first thing to be labeled. I was so pleased.
Nuff said?
A bientot! See you soon.
As always in your posts, NSHHTU, beneath your humor lies a deep vein of truth. You say you like things to be in their place with a label on it, and I say, amen! I also appreciated the stark contrast between the bewilderingly blank "before" containers, and the reassuringly clear "after" containers. Thanks for another great post.
ReplyDeleteAmen Sister!
ReplyDeleteAnd who wouldn't love a good label maker? It makes life a lot easier by helping with organizing stuff. My wife makes good use of it on our closet since she owns a lot of shoes. It's easier to track all her stuff when they're labeled.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Granville! And your wife sounds like a lovely and organized woman. You must love her a lot! :).